I had this on the old blog, but I still love it so I'm copying it here:
This morning, in the kitchen, as I poured my first cup of coffee, I noticed the nice smell of bananas. We went by Tigermart Farms last evening to buy a few organically grown fruits and some buffalo meat. We gave up on “store bought” bananas, they are always so hard and there’s not much taste. But these are Good.
As I stood at the counter this morning, the banana smell took me back to a distance memory. That smell always does. It takes me back to…kindergarten! I went to a private kindergarten cause in the late 50’s in AZ there were no public school K grades. My Mom always packed my lunch as she couldn’t pick me up till the middle of the afternoon. And it seems now that my lunch box always had in it:
A small thermos of milk
Some sort of sandwich
A banana
I never ever smell bananas I don’t remember those rooms and my teacher, who’s name was Teddy Bear (really the owners name was Bear and Teddy was their daughter, my Mom reminded me of that when I was older). We called her Miss Bear.
Which leads to two more kindergarten memories:
Graduation! We actually had a graduation ceremony. And we girls were taught how to cancan so on graduation night danced, sang “Buffalo Girls Won’t You Come Out Tonight” and I was the lead singer, probably cause I was the Loudest. I was always the Loudest. My Mom and sister and I always sang while riding in the car so maybe I was the only one who could really carry a tune? Naw, I was the Loudest.
And second, I hated being in school. I wanted to be outside. I carried this little problem with me through 12 years of public school and on to college.